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Project Guidelines

Project Guidelines CEI16

This outline should work as a frame for the CEI16 projects. It is not a list of criteria, but a suggestion to what desirably should be included in the projects.

We have based our outline for this year’s projects on the concept of problem-based learning, which is the idea of providing students with tools for independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences at an advanced academic level. The idea is that students learn best when applying theory and research based knowledge in their work with an authentic problem. At the same time, problem-based learning supports students in the development of their communication and cooperation competences, and in acquiring the skills required when taking an analytical and result-oriented approach.

We highly suggest that each delegation should include each of the following in their projects:

1. Each team must work problem-based and pursue a solution to an environmental or sustainable issue in their respective countries, which should be related to the conference theme “Sustainable Societies” and at least one of the sub themes: Consumption, Waste, Smart City, Sustainable Transition, Energy and Conservation & Nature

2. Each team must have an external collaboration, e.g. a company, organisation, institution.

3. On the 1st of May each team must submit a brief project description (maximum 150 words) and 2-4 photos via e-mail:

4. Each team must submit a thorough 1-3 page written documentation of their project including: thesis, process reflection, analysis, future prospects and a conclusion. The documentation must be submitted on the 19th of June via e-mail: – The documents will later on be available on This is an opportunity to spread and share the projects to all the conference participants and those CEI members who will not be able to attend CEI16. Furthermore, this is an attempt to create a virtual project library, which can be shared with CEI generations to come.

5. Each team member will have to do/be part of an oral presentation in English at the conference.

6. Each team must include considerations on how the students’ will/could continue their projects/ideas and thereby pay it forward to their respective local communities.

Project description and photos

By 1st of May please submit your 150-word project description (WORD 2010 format, single space, including name of:

  • Country

  • School

  • Teachers and students

Other Preparation

National flag
Each country should prepare TWO big national flag around 100cm
wide * 60cm high for the Opening Ceremony

Cultural Night
Each country should prepare a 5 minutes performance related to their own culture in order to celebrate different cultures at the Cultural Night.

Food and Fun Market
Each country should bring something for the Food and Fun Market – it could be eatable or something typical from your country to share or show the other participants.

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